All maps are exact reproductions of those available as pdfs here.
They are all © Crown Copyright and database right 2013 Ordnance Survey LA100019567.
Download the legend here.
Download the legend here.
Download the legend here.
Each decision on the site allocations plans has a number. For each number there is a thorough asessment and then a suitability for development score is given. Currently those scores are spread over hundreds of pdfs, totalling over 35,000 pages. We've already extracted that data, and our next step is to link it to the map.
Map sections were isolated from the raw pdfs using ImageMagick, and the command,
convert -density 300 HMAP01.pdf -crop 3270^x3196+160+150 HMAP01.pdf
Or, in Windows, for all pdf files in a directory using the command,
forfiles /m *.pdf /c "cmd /c convert -density 300 @file -crop 3270^x3196+160+150 pngs/@fname.png"
Images were stitched using Microsoft Image Composite Editor and exported as in Deep Zoom format.
The Microsoft Silverlight Deep Zoom viewer was replaced with the pure JavaScript implementation at OpenSeadragon.