A cityscape of Manchester at night.

Greggs vs. Pret: Visualising The Bird Index

The 'Bird Index' was born in 2014. A single tweet postulated that the cultural northern-ness of England could be approximated by the ratio of Greggs the Bakers to Pret a Manger in an area.

I began my journey to test and understand the Bird Index by collecting data, and making a map. I remained disatisfied.

I now realise that the only way to satisfactorily visualise the Bird Index was to invent the 'eatmap™: a heatmap of eateries.

'EatMap of Greggs shops in Great Britain

If you like this, please think about coming to my event on OpenData in housing this Friday (22/08/2014) in Leeds. Or look for upcoming OpenData training I will deliver at the OpenData Institute Node in Leeds starting in September. I can teach you how to do this yourself, and it'll probably be free. There'll be a blog post on how I did all this soon, but I can't promise when.


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